Monday, August 18, 2008

Kain's Life on the "D" List...

The long awaited surgery day arrived...August 18, 2008. Kain and his parents arose around 3 a.m. for this day...made the long drive to Oklahoma City and waited at the OU Medical Center until the time came...8:00 a.m. Kain left his parents behind, was a brave little soldier, and allowed the medical staff to operate on his most important parts...He came through like a champion and now must spend his night at the hospital. He should be released tomorrow morning and will spend the day relaxing with his parents.

**Note to viewer, these pictures are from an I-phone. Please don't expect high quality.**

Kain consoles his mommy...he ensures her it will be okay.

One last hug before he goes off to prove his warrior status...

Post-surgery...we all can agree with Kain...I.V.s are NEVER fun!

After a long day, Kain and Daddy recuperate...

Kain would like to thank all his friends and loved ones for their thoughts and prayers. He would like to give a "shout-out" to Meems, Pops, Aunt Polly, Aunt Peggy, Nanny, and Pa for coming to visit on his surgery day! Thanks for being such a wonderful family!

As always, Raisin' Kain...


Annie said...

I am really glad you posted some cute pics of the little warrior! I am also extremely happy that everything went great and that he is on the road to recovery. Hopefully he won't give his parents anything else to worry about for a very long time-if ever!

Anonymous said...

What a relief! Glad to see the little fellow is A-OK; I'm not sure about his parents though. Kain will be fine as soon as he goes home and gets his fair share of love and kisses. I love to see pics of Kain's busy life. He is a special little guy. Take care....