Children are not just gifts from God, but blessings.
Is every child born really a blessing...Is there a time when a child is not truly a blessing...
Well the Scripture seems to make no qualification - children are a blessing from God, period. Though God intends children to be blessings, parents may not receive the child as such and may raise the child in a way that prevents the child from being much of a blessing to them or anyone else. It is the parents' choice whether to accept the child as the blessing God intended or to regard the child as an unwanted burden. Too many times we hear stories of neglect and abuse of children, witness the maltreatment of children, and even personally know parents who do not realize the blessings that their children are. The epidemic of the increasing rates of children placed in the foster care system is a major indicator that our world has forgotten the beauty, innocence, and blessings of children. It is even believed in society that unplanned pregnancy gives parents a parent or not. They aren't ready...the timing isn't right. They don't want to be parents. Is God's timing ever truly wrong? The timing of a given child may seem hard to some or just awfully inconvenient. There might be serious situations that make one think it is an unwise time to bring a child into the world. Perhaps there are huge marital difficulties, perhaps very serious health problems, perhaps a family financial crisis, perhaps mental illness or addiction, or perhaps a war and great suffering and hardship. But even so, there are numerous examples of how a child has been a tremendous blessing in spite of each of these circumstances. Sometimes the child can be a significant tool in God's hands in resolving marital problems. At other times, a child can become the very joy and blessing of his or her parents in the midst of otherwise very hard and difficult times. Which of us is wise enough to know what the future holds and to judge when is a truly good or bad time in which to have a child? Without knowing all that a child's future holds, how can we judge the best time for a child to be born? And even if we think we can, there are problems! We may try to have a child, but there is no telling when or if a child will be conceived. And at the time of conception, we don't truly know what tomorrow holds (James 4:11) - in nine months things may be terribly different! Who can say how much depends on, or how many other lives will be touched by a single child and how great the loss to us all will be if that child is not born in God's time?
Imagine life without this...
Oh Amy you have such an incredible way with words. You are a beautiful writer and I enjoy reading your great words of wisdom. Thank you for this post, it was wonderful!!! Love the cute pics of the adorable kiddos!!!
Good post Amy!
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