Well, it is official...Mr. Kain Joseph (who I like to refer to as K.J.), is now 2 weeks old! Yes, ladies and gentleman, the big 2 weeks!! And oh my, has he had an eventful 2 weeks...visits from friends and loved ones, swimming parties (that he was not allowed to attend, but we know he was there in spirit anyway), doctor's visits, a basketball game, baby showers, and even his very first trip to church. This little man has already lived it up since coming in to the world! ;) Who knows what else is in store for this little guy?!?!?!
Baby Kain (as Ella likes to call him) is making his first trip to church...Friendship Baptist here he comes!!
Papa Joseph proudly displays his little guy...
As you can tell, Kain can has made it to his first doctor's appointment...sadly, little guy, this is not your last.
Kain...loves to lounge around in his ever so stylish orange and gray car seat...probably on his way to one of his many adventures this past week...
What can he say? His fans LOVE him!
I also like the sound of KJ it is quite catching. Love the pics and I can't wait to hold the little guy!
I love that the little guy's color is orange. KJ and RJ; that has nice ring to it. Something about Kain's forehead or ? looks like a Burnett! Another POPS! I want to see the little fellow so bad. Keep him happy and well fed.
He is so precious!! I love how he smiles at me all the time!
He is FABULOUS little man! Well I am so sorry I missed his first time at church and his shower last week.
I can't wait to see the little guy again Ashley as soon as I find your phone number again we will be calling to visit. McKenna wants to see her Mrs. Dossett.
Cute pictures Amy you are doing a great job!
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