Kain got the approval to make his way home to Sperry on Thursday morning...so, Mommy and Daddy packed their things and happily made the long, 20 minute drive to Kain's immaculate abode where his OSU haven awaits him, equipped with baby bed, changing table, and the always necessary OSU Cowboy pictures...Those important enough to make the wall: Terrance "T.C." Crawford and Bryant "Big Country" Reeves. Once at home, Kain was introduced to his "sister", Pearl, and there was an instant bond...(on Kain's part at least).
Ella explains to Aunt Amy how cute Kain is...and she is definitely correct about this!
Lily, Annie, and Ella love to visit Kain...
Kain already knows to overlook the ignorance of his "Sooner" family members...and I think he even feels sorry for them...
A Baby Boy
A baby boy was created
by the hand of God above
to give the world the sweetest touch
of tenderness and love.
With the softness of a whisper,
God made a baby's skin
and then designed two trusting eyes
to put the starlight in.
With giggles from a waterfall
and breezes passing by,
God made a baby's laughter
and a tiny, sleepy sigh.
God made the world a precious gift
more dear and pure than gold,
with little toes to play with
and tiny hands to hold
then brought into the sunshine
a precious baby boy
All wrapped up in a rainbow
of wonder, hope, and joy.
Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.
Proverbs 17:6
I can't wait to visit Kain (and neither can my boys)! Kain will have to try and tolerate the Sooner apparel from some, but he won't have to see that ugly stuff from the Cheap family!
I think Kain looks the most at peace with while I am holding him. It is probably the soothing color of crimson!!
I'm glad to see Kain is being initiated into the family (it takes all kinds). He is a sweet little boy. I know he will be true to the Cowboy Tradition.
The pic of Ella looking at Kain is so cute. Her face says it all...just exactly what is she thinking? Too cute!
I'm glad Baby Kain and his parents are home. Pearl looks very happy! I hope to see everyone soon. The wait is killing me!
I am so glad he is home and doing well! God definitely answers prayer!
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