After a late night "party" with family at the Ihop for a last meal, Ashley and JJ were nothing but ready to bring their new little boy to the world of Sperry, Oklahoma...they left at 4:30 a.m. with intentions of starting the cesarean at 7:15 a.m...We all pray this boy knows what he has gotten himself into...we all one gets to choose their PARENTS...bless you, child. =)
Pre-Kain preparations...J.J. shows off his "operating room" attire...
Mommy shows off Kain's best gift to date...his OSU shirt! (You're welcome, Kain!)
Kain had many family members ready to welcome him into the world...
Kain's first meeting with the "outside" world...
Kain and his father...this is the family's first viewing of him before he was sent to the NICU...which he only had to spend a few hours in!!! Yay Kain!
Kain, Mommy, and Daddy...(Ash would like to remind everyone to not pay attention to her hair...a 4:30 trip to the hospital...c-section...and no sleep...not always a wonderful occasion.)
So, without further adieu, the one, the only...Kain Joseph Dossett!!!!
Based on this picture, the verdict is still out on if Kain is sincerely excited to be joining his parents on the "outside." =)
5.9 pounds 18 inches
I love the "I"m not sure about the outside world" face. I feel that way every morning!
What a great surprise for a Monday morning. A perfect little nephew! This little guy has put up with a lot, so I hope his parents are ready to pamper the little fellow.
I can't wait to tell Kain about important things like OSU and how to choose good music. I know his mommy and daddy will do their part.
Welcome Baby Kain...
Aunt Cindy
I am so sorry I missed all the "new outcomings"!! He is precious, absolutely beautiful (as much as they can be after being yanked from their comfy home!) Congrats mom and dad, I can't wait to meet him!
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